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Leadership Retreat
Grand Geneva
7036 Grand Geneva Way
Lake Geneva, WI 53147

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Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 8:00 AM to Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 12:00 PM CST
Category: Events

The Leadership Retreat is designed for mutual managers. 

Early Bird Registration

Members         $125
Non-Members  $250

Early Bird Registration ends on October 1, 2021


Late Registration

Members         $150
Non-Members  $300

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Cancellation & Refund Policy

You may substitute someone to come in your place or cancel your registration. All registration cancellations and transfers MUST be made in writing. Cancellations received on or before October 1, 2021 are 100% refundable. After October 1st, you are entitled to a 50% refund of your registration. Any refund due will be issued within 15 business days following WAMIC’s receipt of the cancellation notice.

Please forward all requests to [email protected].

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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

9 am          The Customer Experience Workshop

                  Attendees will learn about the emerging Customer Experience economy. This is a hands-on workshop designed to help attendees understand the customer’s point of                        view, how to evaluate and improve their existing customer service experience, and how to implement a new customer focused culture at their companies.
Noon          Lunch
1 pm          Illinois roundtable breakouts
                  Wisconsin roundtable breakouts
1:45 pm     Combined roundtable discussions
2:30 pm     Round table discussion ends
3:15 pm     Lake Geneva cruise departs the dock
4:15 pm     Lake Geneva cruise returns to dock
6 pm          Family Feud - Illinois vs. Wisconsin!
7 pm          Dinner

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 

8 am     Recruit, Retain, and Remote Work   Peter Hansen & Michael Wong

Across multiple industries, recruitment and retention are top HR concerns for most employers in 2021 and beyond. Flexibility and incentives appear to the key to success on both fronts – whether we are talking about remote work, financial incentives, apprenticeship/training and advancement opportunities, or other more traditional benefits – but we still need to look out for those legal pitfalls. Some of the issues that will be tackled during the seminar will include the following:

• What lessons have we learned from the last 18 months regarding remote work and flexible schedules?
• What is the right way to structure signing bonuses, retention bonuses, deferred compensation, and other forms of creative compensation?
• What are some other ideas for supplementing traditional employee benefits and what do employers need to look out for?

10 am   Cyber Security                            Tom Pienkos, SmithAmundsen
                                                                   Molly Arranz, SmithAmundsen

Every state must adopt the NAIC’s cyber security model regulation. Tom and Molly will guide attendees through a mock cyber breach                                                                           event. They will:

          • explain the reporting process for both Illinois and Wisconsin
          • talk about mistakes companies often make during a breach that could create adverse consequences later
          • answer questions about compliance, planning, and response

Noon    Adjourn


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WAMIC has negotiated a room block rate with The Grand Geneva.

Here is the booking information for the hotel:

The Grand Geneva
7036 Grand Geneva Way
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Book online
1 (800) 558-3417

Single Occupancy                                                          $135
Double Occupancy                                                         $235

The cut-off date for the room block is September 20, 2021 so register early!

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Contact: Patrick Laws